The Men's Club has been working since the winter of 2011 to remove Buckthorn from the golf course. The 2021-22 project, which was  our 10th year of work was completed before the golf course rennovation project was underway (Nov 2022). At that point we paused to see what happens.

With the rennovation completed, and now in the grow in phase in early 2024, it was time to start again. With Andrew and David now running the show on the golf course for Kemper Sports, they were more than happy to put us to work. Under their guidance, we cleared the area to the East of the 4th hole on the Par 3 course (next to the sledding hill) and have been working in back of the 18th tee. We will continue on in 2024 whereever they point us!

Buckthorn is a very invasive plant/tree in our area. Our goal is to eradiacte it from the golf course. Where we encounter it most is on the berms along 14, 16, 17 and 18.

Here are some articles and presentations on what's so bad about it:


Here is the chronology of the Buckthorn Removal Project by Year (highlighted areas have descriptions and pictures  linked):

2024 (Year 11) ; The focus is wherever Andrew and David wants us to work.

  • We cleared the area next to the 4th hole on the Par 3 course (next to the sled hill).
  • We cleared the area in back of the  18th tee down to the river. This will provide more sun and wind flow to the 18th tee. This is where the original project started in 2011.
  • Next will be the area along the berm between the 17th green and the 18th tee. Now that there is a cart path in back of the 17th green, this area is visible and needs to be cleared.

2021 (Year 10) :  Focus is on the tees and greens:

2020: (Year 9)  the Year of Covid; some work was completed by solo wokers

2019: (Year 8) 

  • a lot of clean up around the course

2018-19  (Year 7) :

  • Trim trees on 1 : left bank, left near 10 tee)
  • Trim trees left of 3 

2017-18 (Year 6) :  our focus was to trim all the trees on the course up to around 6 feet (to allow mowers easier access as well as allow more sun and wind on the course). 

  • Trim up trees on 1,2,10,14,15 and 18
  • Trim trees left of 7, right of 12; right of 7 that hang over water
  • Trim trees in back of 15 tee, right of ladies tees
  • Trim trees left side of 9

 Here is what it looked like when we started:

Top: 17th tee       Middle: Along 17 Top: Workers on 16    Below: Along 18  



In the  winter of 2017,

This is the area left of the 2nd fairway (on the hill) :

and the area between the 10th green and 11th tee (during work and after)



2016-17 :Year 5 

  • 14 tee (back and to the west)
  • Island near 15 green (again: did it in early 2013)
  • 16th tee
  • 14 berm 
  • 18 tee (South)

2015-16: Year 4

  • 18 tee (toward south)
  • 14 tee (around the pump)
  • left of 3 , back of 2 green
  • left side of 4th fairway
  • Area in back of 14 green
  • Trees in back of 16 green

2013-14: Year 3

  • 1 on left next to pond (before pump house)
  • Along 14 green
  • Along 16 green
  • Continue on 18th Berm


2012-13: Year 2: pictures

  • 17 near the green
  • start on the 18th berm
  • Between 15 green and 17th tee
  • Island near 15 green

2011-12: Year 1 : pictures