Click for an overview of the Winnetka Men's Golf Club

The 2024 Match Play are well underway. Time to schedule your matches.

View the brackets on the left hand side of the Home Page.

The Men's Club took on the Wilmette Men's Club after a decade of not playing a competition : Wilmette won  10 1/2 to 7 1/2

June 7  was a beautifull day for golf. Fun was had by all.. We have laid the foundation to continue this competition going forward.  Click here for a summary of the Matches.

Here is the Link to the Winnetka Golf Club website, where there are updates on the renovation and course opening info.


The Spring Dinner was held April 11 at Fred's Garage; The Fall Dinner is planned to be held back at the Winnetka Golf Club

Past Club Champions at the Spring Dinner:

From Left to Right: (Years as Champion)

Jon Kunkle: 2013

Jeff Werstak: 2022, 2021

Steve McElroy: 1984, 1977

Steve Hines: 2000,1990,1976,1975,1974


Winnetka Men's Golf Club Plan for 2024

Our golf course may be closed, but the Men's Club  continued with activities in 2024 The Board has developed a plan for 2024, click here


Key Men's Club dates for 2024:

April 11: Spring dinner at Fred's Garage

May  1: Match Play sign up deadline; matches to begin May 6

May  10: Match versus Palatine Hills Men's Club

June 7: Match vs Wilmette Men's Club

August ??: Course reopens

Septeber ?? Winnetka Club Championship

Fall 2024: Fall Dinner at the WGC


Course our Members are playing in 2024 until our course reopens

Click here to see a list of where our members have lottery times in 2024.  If you have an opening, contact our members to fill in.


Important Milestones in the Golf Course Rennovation:

Men's Club Gift card Balances  

Here is the list of balances as of October 10, 2022. Spend your balances in the Pro Shop. We will post updates as we learn more on what will be available going forward.

Are You New to the Area and Looking for a great Place and Group of Guys to Play Golf With? Join The Winnetka Mens Golf Club! Click here to find out more.



Winnetka Golf Club course construction and drawings:

These are the latest drawings and overviews we have (which are from early 2022)